Adult & Teen Sunday Bible Class
Sunday mornings after worship, 10:55-11:15am
Adults and teens join together after worship to study biblical topics.
Children's Sunday School
Sunday mornings after worship, 10:45-11:15am
Bible stories with applications, crafts, music, fun with other kids!
Sunday school is for ages 4 through grade six.
Foundations Class
Foundations Class is a great opportunity to study the basic teachings of God’s Word. It is also the starting point for those who are interested in becoming communicant members of Lamb of God.
Contact Pastor for the current class schedule.
Midweek Bible Study
At church or via Zoom (please arrange this prior to the class)
The participants in this study group will read a portion of Scripture and then spend time discussing Martin Luther's four strands, four great questions to direct our thoughts/prayers after reading any section of Scripture.
- What sin does this section of God's Word lead me to confess to God?
- What message of God's good news and grace is in this section of God's Word, for which I can give thanks to God?
- How does this section of God's Word lead me to think or act in my life?
- What does this section of God's Word lead me to pray for?
Catechism Class
This is a youth education class covering instruction in the doctrines of the Lutheran church using Luther's Small Catechism. Completion of this class leads to Confirmation. Please contact Pastor Koepke if you are interested in this class for your older child.