Fellowship with One Another

When you share your life with a community of fellow believers, we call that “fellowship.” St. John writes, “We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3). When believers are united to God, they are inevitably united to one another also. 

This is necessary. God did not design human beings to face life on their own. Instead, he intended for believers to be woven together in a community so that they might encourage one another as together they walk the often difficult path of life. Consider these words of direction from the Scripture, intended for all Christians. 

  • Be devoted to one another in love. – Romans 12:10
  • Encourage one another and build each other up. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11
  • Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. – Hebrews 10:24
  • Offer hospitality to one another. – 1 Peter 4:9

Purpose of Life Groups

Life Groups are one of the ways that Lamb of God carries out those Biblical directives. In summary, the purpose of Lamb of God’s Life Groups is to enable Christians to share their lives, knitting them together as a family, for mutual encouragement and strengthening.

Life Groups are a vital part of our ministry at Lamb of God. We are more than a friendly church; we are a church of friends. Life Groups can be where those friendships are made and nurtured. 


There are three sessions each year: Winter/Spring, Summer, and Fall. When you join a Life Group, you are committing for approximately three months. Life Groups may carry over from season to season, or something entirely new and exciting may show up in a new season! It's up to you what you'd like to participate in each season.


September 15 - December 14


    Type: Service Group

    Description: Make a difference by joining together and sharing our gifts and talents through service projects for our church and our community. We do fun and memorable projects that make a positive impact for people in and outside our community. 

    Facilitator: Darcy Meyer (


    • Plan on joining us for an event on Saturday, September 28, 2:30-4pm at Feed My Starving Children in Mesa. Volunteers (ages 5+) will hand-pack nutritious meals to be sent around the world. Work may include scooping ingredients, opening bags, weighing bags, and more. For more details or to RSVP, contact Darcy at 480-332-4120 by September 22.

    • Share and Care life group needs help putting together blankets for Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels, a non-profit that provides services for children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. No experience is necessary to tie fleece blankets together (instructions are included). Blankets are in the narthex. Take one home and bring it back by Oct 27. Contact Darcy at 480-332-4120 for more details. 

  • The ROMEOs (Religious Old Men Eating Out)

    Type: Social Group

    Description: This group is open to men of any age who eat lunch. Retirees, work-from-homers, bored bachelors, or stay-at-home dads...are you tired of eating yesterday’s leftovers alone at your desk? Join the ROMEOs! This is a great way to meet and connect with fellow Christian men and have a good meal.

    Facilitator: Dave Hackett (

    Cost: Cost of lunch

    Time & Location: 12:30-1:30pm at various restaurants (TBD)


    • Tuesday, September 17 12:30-1:30pm Pita Jungle in Ahwatukee
    • Tuesday, October 22 12:30-1:30pm Philly’s Sport Grill, 4855 E Warner Rd, Phoenix 85044
    • Tuesday, November 19 12:30-1:30pm Location TBD
    • Tuesday, December 17 12:30-1:30pm Location TBD

    Watch the Lamb of God bulletins and emails for upcoming locations. If you have a suggestion for location, share with Dave.


  • the 3F Group (fellowship, food, fun)

    Type: Social Group

    Description: Anyone & everyone is welcome to gather monthly for a potluck dinner and Christian fellowship. This group will be a great way for you to get to know others a bit better in a casual, friendly atmosphere—someone's home & backyard!

    Facilitators: Lenin Arthanari & JoAnne Michaud-Arthanari (

    Costs: The cost of your potluck dish

    Locations: Locations will be shared for each date


    • Saturday, August 26, 5pm at the Woldahl home - It's an ITALIAN theme!
    • If you would like to open your home for a potluck dinner, see the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board at church.
    • We’d like to try for monthly potlucks if we have volunteers to host.
    • Each host can determine the date and time that works best.
    • Hosts can also choose whether to include families or to limit guests to adults only.
    • It’s always a great time with plenty of fellowship, food, and fun! Please consider hosting!


    Type: Social, Service, and Study Group

    Description: All Lamb of God women are welcome. We will meet for Bible study and discussion as well as for social time to share ideas, hobbies, and interests. Any woman is welcome to plan an event and choose the time/place, working with the leader so she can help as needed. All women will also be invited to assist the appointed Caring Committee leader with any requests for assistance (meals, rides, etc.). We will strive to provide ways for you to discover and use your spiritual gifts, talents, and interests through a variety of faith-affirming events, with the goal of building and strengthening relationships. Look forward to being a part of a Christ-led circle of women who can grow together spiritually, ready to encourage and uplift one another, other members of Lamb of God, or those who need assistance.

    Facilitator: Becky Jaehnig ( 

    Costs: There may be costs for a study book, materials, or a meal, to be determined by the planner.

    Locations: Vary by event


    • Wednesday, September 19, 6:30pm at Wendy Schroeder’s home for study & discussion on When Life Hurts by Pastor Mike Novotny
    • Sunday, November 3, 12pm Lunch & Baby Shower
    • Thursday, December 5, 6:30-8pm Advent by Candlelight at church


    Type: Service Group

    Description: Do you like to work with your hands? Do you want to get to know other church members? Join us in our laid-back times together to create greeting cards. In casual workshops, we design, assemble, and embellish handmade greeting cards used by the Card Ministry. Cards are distributed or mailed out when a greeting card is appropriate. An inventory of cards is always available for the congregation’s use. Donations for the cards are used to purchase supplies.

    Facilitator: Jan Adams (, 602-881-3406)

    Costs: All supplies are furnished so there are no costs for participants.

    Dates: Tuesday mornings at 10am to noon at church on the following dates.

    • September 17
    • October 1
    • October 15
    • October 29
    • November 12
    • Further dates to be determined

Lamb of God Life Group in the News!

One of our Life Groups—the ROMEOs—was interviewed and featured on the Channel 10 news in Phoenix. 

This group (Religious Old Men Eating Out) meets once a month, and the men enjoy the fellowship and, of course, the food! 

Watch the video for more about this group.


ROMEOs was also featured in the WELS magazine Forward In Christ January 2024 issue.